Red cedar River Rendezvous

Our Rendezvous is growing every year! Would you like to join us? We're looking for primitive activities and traders of all types.
Encouraged Activities:
Knife and Hawk Demos
Black Powder Shoots
Atl Atl
Primitive Bow Shooting
Story Telling
Flint Knapping
Beading and Leather Work
Dutch Oven Cooking
Demonstrators camp for free!

Trader Information
Fees: $35 for 3 Days or $15 per Blanket
Traders must have primitive-style canvas tents. Goods must be related to the 1800s time period.
Dealers or possessors of furs, claws, feathers, etc.: It is your responsibility to confirm compliance with the laws of WI by contacting the WI DNR at 888-936-7463
Business license and collection of sales tax is the traders' responsibility.

Camping Information
Firewood, water, and Porta Potties provided
Please do not bring firewood per WI DNR 10 mile rule
Ice available for purchase
No pets allowed
All clothing, lodging, and accoutrements shall be of the period of 1640 - 1840 in North America
Primitive sites only

Visitor Information
The Rendezvous is open to the public from 1 PM - 5 PM, Friday, July 26th, and 10 AM - 5 PM, Saturday, July 27th and 10 AM - 3 PM, Sunday, July 28th.
Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts wearing their uniform can visit for FREE on Friday!
School Groups are Welcome