Keep the Anvil Ringing
Rick Tolliver (Blacksmith, welder, instructor, Pioneer Village volunteer), in response to a large number of requests, has agreed to teach a beginning blacksmithing class. The “beauty” of this summer’s opportunity is:
#1. YOU do not need tools or equipment, (while in class and while volunteering at Pioneer Village, tools & coal will be available for you to use);
#2. The reduced class price;
#3. YOU will be able to volunteer at Pioneer Village as a blacksmith to continue developing your skills!

Location: Pioneer Village Museum, Blacksmith Shop, 1866 13 ½-14th Ave, Cameron
Time: Friday & Saturday, 8 am - 12 pm, June 26 & 27
Cost: FREE if you agree to volunteer as a blacksmith
Students: Class is designed for 4-6 adult students. Minors (under 16) must have parental or guardian permissions on registration and liability forms.
Objective: Develop foundational skills in the historic art of blacksmithing needed for volunteering and creating projects at Pioneer Village, Cameron, WI.
This Class will Cover: Safety, Tool manipulation, Fire Control, Basic techniques and Blacksmithing terminology. We will be working with fire.
Before Class Date: Return completed Class Registration, Liability form and Class Fee
Bring: Eye, ear and skin protection, wire brush. OSHA approved Safety glasses required. Ear plugs or muffs are recommended. Tools will be provided but if you have a favorite cross peen hammer or tongs bring them along. Water bottle/jug, Band-aids & white adhesive medical tape for blisters are strongly encouraged.
Wear: Long-sleeved shirt and pants of cotton or leather. Leather boots. NO Synthetic and polyester clothing as it will burn and melt; there will be sparks and hot metal.
Download Class Registration form HERE.
Let’s keep the anvil ringing at Pioneer Village!
If you have questions: Call Rick Tolliver, 715-268-9087