The 12'x20' Farmstead Log Barn
The Log Barn is 12'x20' log barn was built in 1918 by the late Jim Avery on the present Bradley Nelson farm in the Township of Prairie Lake. The log construction is known as "sharp notch," and the tool used was mainly an axe. It was move to the museum grounsd in July 1976.

The Farmstead
The 14'x18' Farmstead Log House
The 14'x 18' log house was built in 1920 along Brown's Creek in the Township of Prairie Lake. The log construction is known as "dovetail notch," which is of Swedish (1640) origin. The tools used to make this notch were a lip adze and axe. It was a home for the late Elling Petterson. Olaf, Einar, and his brother Edwin, built the house. It later was occupied by his daughter, Ms. Petra Louis.

Crib Silo
The nine sided crib silo was built about 1915. It is constructed of 2"x4" wood sections with a mortise groove on top and bottom. When laid, a key strip was inserted between each section to gain stability and moisture resistance. It was given to the museum by Larry Wold of Prairie Lake in 1974.
The Corn Crib